Sunday, June 28


GRACE. it is love that is given when it it not deserved,
forgiveness given when it it not earned. it is a gift that flows like a refreshing stream
to quench the fires of angry condemning words.
there's always something left to love and if someone has not learned that,
then he has learned nothing.
have you cried for the person who sinned or hurt you? not for yourself
because you lost something or because you were hurt, but for the person who
in any way, sinned you: for what he's been through and what came to him.
when do you think is the time to love somebody the most: when they've done good
and made things easy for everybody?
well then, you're a skunk. because it is when he's at his lowest, ugliest and can't
believe in himself for what the world has done whipped him so.
when you start measuring somebody, measure him right.
make sure you have taken into account what hills and valleys he's come through
before he got to wherever he is.
"never compare your life to others..
you have no idea what their journey is all about."

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