Wednesday, May 5

proud to be GLUED. :)

 well. it started this morning. when i read a message from a guy from some 3years ago. it says, "sino yun friend mo sa glued na groups?  type ko cya.. yung maganda".. then suddenly, i was reminded of the incident that happened years ago. where that guy started to court me and i didn't mind until a friend approached me and shared to me a secret. surprisingly, it was about that same guy, who according to her was also courting her. being the concerned friend that i was, i let her read all the text messages the guy sent me and we felt disappointed that the guy had to do that to us, of all people. my friend actually tried to confront the guy as i did too and guess what? he told us that: i am not courting her, she's lying! like, what the hell? are you seriously telling me that my friend is lying to  me? the friend that i have known for years (she's included in the glued pic)? get a life, coz we are not buying your words..

as i tell a friend a while ago about it, i started to ask myself again why would someone do that to us. did the guy had no balls and he wanted assurance that at least one of us would agree to be his girlfriend? or was it because he could not choose between two girls who almost have the same things to be brag? :D

anyway, i told the guy that he would not get anything from me if it's about any glued girl and he went like: buti pa si God nagpapatawad. and i was like: first of all, it is so unfair for you to even use God. second, we have already forgiven you, that's why i now manage to give you a smile everytime i see you. it is just that i know very well what you are capable of doing and i want to protect her (whoever she is he's referring to (coz everyone in the group, in my opinion is beautiful)) from that.

as i tell a friend about the whole thing, i showed him the glued pic and he was like "OMG". haha. and boom! im reminded again how proud i am of my glued friends. :) so let me introduce to you one by one my loving and loyal friends who won't take crap from other people thrown against any of the glued girls.

the brainy one.
ateneo law student, incoming third year.

the sweet one
presently employed as a CSR

the fighter
incoming 3rd year tourism student, scqc

the sexy one
incoming third year HRM student, UST

the athletic one
incoming third year tourism student, LPU

the baby
incoming second year HRM student, TUA

-and finally-

the.. uhh. haha :) humble one (nalang. :P KDIN')

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